R & D
Do you have an interesting idea but you are not familiar with the science involved? Do you feel that you have an idea that is worth pursuing? We are experts in providing chemical research and patenting support to clients [organizations, individuals] in the areas of chemical compounds of any nature and for any application. Previous works can be provided in demand.
Our team specializes in:
- > Evaluating your idea
- > Performing scientific reviews on required properties and compounds
- > Formulate the compound/ product of interest
- > Validate properties and optimize formulations via computational chemistry investigations
Most innovators waste too much time in the first stage of evaluation of their idea; whether this is a novel chemical compound, a revolutionary production method or an energy efficient machine, the scientific principles and previous work need to be understood. Our team of experts in multidisciplinary fields undertakes this effort and helps you evaluate your idea in terms of:
- feasibility
- stability
- novelty
- efficiency
- manufacturing potential
- chemical, physical, electronic, mechanical, thermal properties
- thermodynamics
Our team guarantees an accurate and reliable investigation of your idea, covering the potential applications, novel materials, and energy savings that may be implied. Our sources vary from academic publishers to industrial methodologies, offering en exact evaluation of your project.
Besides offering our services for you patenting projects [or just your ideas] we also offer scientific solution services; in this case you only come to us with the problem, and we work for the solution. Our work in this case is usually divided in three /four stages:
- an initial research/ investigation/ scientific review of the stated problem [covering published academic works, industrial practices, patents databases]
- a second stage of material/ methodologies research / formulation
- a simulation stage [that can be stage #2 – we strongly suggest so]. In this stage we have the ability to test numerous solutions at low cost, with no laboratory work required, very fast and very accurately via computational chemistry approaches [Ab Initio, Density Functional Theory, Molecular Mechanics, Molecular Dynamics, CFD simulations]
- a prototyping stage that is very cost efficient [third party] due to the minimization of unknown parameters and overall degrees of freedom [due to simulation stage that provides accurate and reliable predictions]