A solution for long term financial prosperity in Greece
Greece has been in the middle of a severe crisis since 2009. At least, this is what most people think. Inside Greece and abroad. The reality however, is tremendously different! Greece has been in crisis since 1981, just people and politicians either did not realize it or looked the other way, as former Germany and EU leaders have admitted during the last years. "Greece should never had been admitted into the Eurozone" former Germany leader stated. And this, unfortunately is so true. Greece has done evdrything in its power to destroy its industrial production, especially during the last 40 years. Greece, 40 years ago had a mediocre production of metals, fertilizers, cars [yes], household electrical appliances and so many more. The two and half political parties that governed Greece in the last 40 years have destroyed the productive class of greeks. All goverments, as they still openly do, have over- taxed the productive sector in favor of their voters, in a highly 'clientelistic' way as european liberal's leader finally stated in the european council's meeting of July 8, 2015.
Greece right now has no hope of catching up with other EU countries in industrial production. It would take an explosion of trust on behalf of investors to build new industries in Greece, where it is so common that the governments just raise the taxes [every 6 months in average] to pay their voters/ clients in the public sector. In 2014, an effort was made to actually count how many people are employed by the public sector. 500 organizations refused to send data to the central government about the number of their employees. Greece is an ungoverned country. Still.
Keeping all this in mind, only few types of private sector activities could actually work in Greece; we strongly believe that Greece can take advantage of its excellent landscape, world known history and civilization, to attract the best scientists of the world, to stay and work here! Why stay and work as a researcher in a cold, remote country when you can prepare your next publication in a greek island? Why work in a lab on a venue that you don not enjoy if you can live under Olympus mountain, enjoying the Aegean sea?
Startups in Chemistry, Biology, Physics research and applications are viable and highly prominent in Greece. The best brains can live and create knowledge in one of the world's most beautiful and historical places! Our team is doing exactly that. We decided to set up our research company in Greece, and work for companies around the world. Our example could interest you. We have numerous ideas for you, to invest and win in Greece! Contact us if you feel the spirit of our idea!