Polymer Science and Manufacture Training


One of our most popular courses worldwide. 'Polymer Science and Manufacture' training is both delivered in different venues across Europe and Middle East as well as a webinar. All material is provided in electronic form and constantly updated on cloud so that each participant can obtain any newly added material for a period up to 24 months after attending the course. The course has been delivered more than 20+ times in the last three years with great success for petrochemical giants and smaller organizations. Main contents include:   

- Polymer chemistry

- Thermoplastics and Thermosets

- Polymerization methodologies

- Description of most important catalysts

- Reaction Kinetics and Reaction Thermodynamics

- Reaction control 

- Polymerization reactors

- Instruments

- Introduction to Polymerization Reactors Design, Operation and Control

- Configurations and conformations

- Properties dependence on atomic structure, configurations and conformations

- Classification of polymers

- Additives, Plasticizers, Modifiers

- Compositing

- 3D molecular simulation; configurations, conformations, inter chain interactions, destruction of structures, active sites, additives effects, fillers effects

- Properties prediction

- Specific polymeric structures

- Applications and uses

- Manufacturing approaches

- Case studies [Polypropylene, plus two more commercial polymers]

- Review of current status and developments

- Discussion on the future outlook of major classes 

Novel applications





Kinetics and thermodynamics are commonly investigated in the form of all transient equations; in our forthcoming courses live graphing of rates, energies, concentrations, temperature and velocity profiles will be available. Reactor design, engineering and optimization is also considered via solving the differential equations of mass conservation, energy conservation and momentum conservation.

A case study demonstrating a polypropylene plant is included in the course, along with a poly ethylene oxide feasibility study for educational reasons. Other case studies can be added on demand prior to course delivery.